Enterprise Manager this is a very quick look at the enterprise manager environment in 12c it’s a quick look at enterprise manager because we’re not going to use Enterprise Manager much in these four days some of the exercises you can use an enterprise manager if you want to spend as much time as you want with this but generally speaking we’re not going to be using it we’re going to be working mostly from the command line.
Now let me get the slideshow running there we go the graphical tools database administration now in 12 c you have n spice manager cloud control and enterprise manager database Express cloud control and Jenny do you have cloud control or grid control in your environment what good okay Marcin what about you I know I’ve worked with you and your people before I can’t remember do you have cloud control oh I believe so yeah right in that case then we can go through this really really quickly because if you’ve got cloud control you are highly unlikely to be using database express the big takeaway from this first chapter burn and all you will need to remember is that the older products which were let me get the older products the 11g products no longer exists so if we go to 127 001 my 11g database is looking 58 / am in 11g and 12c we had this thing database control which looks similar to the old grid control environment.
But small environments in yours find it very annoying that database control simply no longer exists it just isn’t there in 12 see if you take an 11g database and upgrade it to 12c database control is actually removed as you do so this man schema is removed from the database it’s that straightforward so this tool no longer exists right what you have instead is database Express so what’s the difference cloud control we don’t have cloud control available in this environment varese it’s basically too big too heavy waked products and using cloud controls of big products and we can’t do it in this in this Ford the course of a new feature is set done with elsewhere on the curriculum database expresses what we can have a look at so what are they very quickly you know what cloud control is you’ve all got this the console displays in a browser fine you require a management service which is a servlet running in a WebLogic container a repository stored in a database agent running on each host.
It’s a big install cloud controls a big installation you don’t have to pay for it yeah the license for weblogic is free as long as you use it for nothing other than cloud control the license of the database is free as long as you use it for nothing other than the repository the agents are free unless you’re running some managing some particular products if for example you were going to use cloud control to run your firewall or to run a sequel server water on an Oracle an IBM db2 database I think you do have to pay for the extra agents or the plugins to manage some third-party products but the basic functionality is free what do you have time on to though is it’s a big install and implementing it is a big project and it may take months and a team of a dozen people to get cloud control installed in the way that you need to be needed to be installed it’s a big product but it’s a good one right database Express is a much more lightweight products and as much as there is a replacement for database control.
Its database express right in the exercise you look at us you look at it but I’ll take a quick look at it now if I go to my local installation or it’s a console display in a browser so first problem which browser you are using and this is where there are some significant issues if I launch for example or go to Firefox many people do use firefox I do usually but if I try to use firefox to go to my enterprise manager and here’s the URL shall break down at the moment HTTPS looks mean to do that and of course I get the fact you know the firefox is showing your problem is got a problem with the digital certificates and depending on your browser have to take appropriate action to continue you can look at the certificates or wrongs, of course, that’s because I’ve gone to 127 001 but there’s always going to be a problem with the digital certificates which you just have to accept allow your browser to proceed Firefox has some major problems.
However, just playing it look at that for a resolution this is almost unusable and you can’t change it but it gets worse a log on you probably cannot see what I’m typing there but I’m going to log on let’s use this password lower case oracle check assist EBA and click login and I immediately get an error this is because database Express uses flash and not only does it use flash it uses flash rookies local shared objects and if you have most people including me disable Flash cookies because there’s such a horrendous security risk well that means you can’t use database Express so you have to have flash installed you have to enable flash cookies we simply can’t proceed right and this display is horrible in Firefox there doesn’t seem to be any way to changes and that’s why I’m using google chrome because chrome works much better for this particular purpose.
If I go to the same URL in chrome easier to read straight away isn’t it and it’s already telling me of course so there’s a problem with the digital certificates so log on a success password oracle it’s just DBA chrome works much better and the reason chrome works better is it doesn’t need flash they’ve built in the flash capability to chrome and of course there’s then security issued they’ve also built in the capability to stall Flash cookies the standard in chrome and this is part of Google and your google knows more about me than my wife does now but it does mean that google chrome works well with enterprise manager database express so be prepared for parameter issues be aware of the flash issues the flash cookie security issues so console displays in a browser the pages are generated by a servlet in the database so database express is always available in a new 12c database are there it’s installed when you run the data dictionary creation scripts.
When you upgrade from 11g to 12 the servlet gets installed at the same point at which DB control gets removed so it’s always going to be there you get to it with HTTP or HTTPS right so we’ll see how to configure it in just a moment we’ll see how to configure this there’s a small amount of configuration needed it doesn’t really have a repository there’s nowhere near as powerful as cloud control as powerful because all this got is the data dictionary in the instance now because it’s generated by a servlet will I be able to question for you with randomized control you could use database control to start and stop the database it has startup shutdown capability am I going to be able to use database Express to startup and shutdown what do you think it’s just not going to be possible as this because it’s a servlet and servlets our code.
In the data dictionary, this is a major problem you cannot use database Express unless your database is open it’s got to be started mounted and opened or you will not be able to get to the servlet because the codes in the data dictionary so that’s a bit of an issue they’ve removed basically you’ve lost what to do wrong there a huge amount of functionality as compared to DB control because it’s now all within the database I have broken this or not now roll by security there is some security there and if we look at all gosh cute token just more done wrong here we close things.