The multi-tenant option just the side step now I’m also going to take this from the bottom of the slide upwards non the code terminology there was a bit of a problem with terminology with multi-talents now I should say by the way I’m I was on the beta program for 12 see I’ve been on the beta program since released 10 the reason is that I’m I rights quite a lot of books for Oracle press and they give them for that reason they give me access to the beta software and when the beta program was started about a year before 12c was released to the public we were all totally confused bias we all found everyone on the beta program including me found multi-talent incredibly confusing we really did and my Oracle described it didn’t help at all but what actually happened is that about right at the end of the beta program they change the name of the products as it used to be called pluggable databases.
And they renamed its multi-talent that was long meant to make things easier well did it I’m not so sure but what we have found is that it was unbelievably confusing so I’m going to build a few notes which are email out to you later just summarizes multi-talents then also known as pluggable databases but the issue here is they renamed it and all through the beta program is called pluggable databases then right at the end and 420a generally available they renamed it multi-talents as a marketing thing but the old term of pluggable database still survives and you’ll see it in quite a few views in quite a few commands and packages but overall when he was first introduced everybody thought it was horribly complicated everybody said this is unbelievably complicated totally confusing dreadfully confusing as well people found it dreadfully confusing to work with.
What I found after a while is well I found maybe not perhaps it isn’t because I found a way of considering multi-tenant there made all of you very very simple and it all dropped into place and I’m just going to build up here in half in a one-page notepad how simple multi-tenant can be okay Martin thanks for letting me know yeah thanks letting me know and let me know when you come back and the recording will be there of course as there’s some important theory here now so I’ll build up here some simple notes describing the way I think of it which I hope you’ll find a useful note that the full use is licensed on top of enterprise edition so this means a whole load of money and it’s worth looking at just how much money it really is because they’re not messing about with this and if we look at the licensing or the costing environment for multi-tenant you’ll see and they’ll work in America you’ll see how expensive it really is so database.
Oracle database first off young enterprise edition an enterprise edition is 47 thousand five hundred dollars per core and that’s one heck of a lot of money but it gets worse because when you look at the options we find at multi terms is another 17,500 per core to put that in perspective 17,500 from multi-tenancy that is almost as expensive as rack at 23,000 is nearly twice as expensive or is a lot more expensive than partitioning a lot more expensive advanced compression it’s not quite as bad as Iraq so this is clearly a major expense and that costing indicates how important Oracle thinks it is yeah this is a big new feature multi-tenant now but there’s a very interesting point full uses license on top of enterprise edition but what they call single tenancy is free to check that outlook at the docks is worth doing this because you’re going to have to persuade people to use this.
I’ll explain why in a second because you have no choice about using multi-tenant you have no choice so it looks horrendously expensive but then you look at the licensing documents and we find a very interesting point licensing information 30 based editions feature availability by edition right at the top multi-talent and you find this enterprise edition extra cost item extra cost option a big one on top of enterprise edition for up to 250 to pluggable databases note the old terminology but the multi-talent architecture with one user-created pluggable database known as the single tenant is free in all editions so even if all you have is an SE one license you can use multi-tenant free if you create only one pluggable database so multi-tenant single orc UPMC is free right singleton see you slaughter conditions why on earth would you want single tenancy this will become clear now the headline usage of multi-talent is to consolidate many databases into one.
So as the licensing guy says up to 250 to pluggable databases so theoretically you could take 250 to databases and consolidate them into one huge multi-tenant database that’s the headline usage database consolidation it’s a really powerful capability because it’s completely transparent to users and I strongly believe this there were just a very few things very few cases where a programmer might realize that he’s been consolidated there just a few cases where you might realize that but usually those are cases where he’s doing something you shouldn’t be doing I read you believe that now if a developer knows that he’s been consolidated into a multi-tenant database he’s probably doing something you shouldn’t be doing so that’s the headline usage database consolidation and it makes your administration far easier there all sorts of other benefits too but here’s the bad news we will go back to the docks right and the document I’m going to look at now is the new fee is the upgrade guide.
So this is the latest release of the upgrade guide and if we look at deprecated and D supported features implications and D supported features in 12c and the very first item deprecation of non the cdb architecture right terminology the CDB CDB container database the CVB they contain a database right so what is it what is a CD be a container database answer it is the database it’s not straightforward it is the database now an on the CD d non DB that is the old database that we know and love right so a non-DB is an absolutely ordinary database right and look at this non DB is deprecated and may be d supported and unavailable after 12 c release 2 and this is an amazing statement I personally and this is me speaking I personally do not believe that it will be unavailable I cannot imagine that Oracle would d support and remove something that is installed millions and millions of sites.
I really can’t right but that’s what they’re saying no DB is our architecture is deprecated and this is why I think this is why singleton c is free with all editions they could not remove non DB and tell everybody you’ve gotta buy enterprise edition plus the option yet they have to make it free with just one tenant right so oracle wants everybody to use it and they’re removing the choice what am I going to do well we don’t have any customers who have bought the full license use of multi-talent got a couple of thinking about it when so many have gone for it yet and what I intend to do is from release 212 C release to I intend to start using the single tendency option everywhere and 10 stop removing two ottesen 12.2.
But clearly, this is why you have to start studying it even if you have no interest in consolidating even if you haven’t bought the option even if you’re running on the standard edition you’ve got to use it right so the multi-sentence is coming you have no option nice so non cdb basically it’s on the way out.