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View menu I see something called materials my interface is not the same as yours but I’ll just hack it instead what I’m going to do is rename exercises dot zip two exercises dots I don’t know it right and I’ll email that out okay it really is terrible isn’t it the facts you can do this sort of blows a huge hole in the security and we that’s you and I assume that we need next address yeah excuse my she’s tracking down email addresses and Brad on the hope you can join us exercise worksheets and attach have you go that should get through so I’m tracking that’s away so that would be the first point and that’s my first connection and I hope you can all log on successfully like that I’m now in communication with sequel plus with my SS fine. 

That’s the first way in the second weigh-in VNC right give me a hand up please if you I’ll put down the feedbacks give me a hand up please if you use or download you to install VNC you have Martin Jenny vishal or you have jenny excellence we shall you’ve got to get it installed we need VNC to do one of the exercises later on we do need a graphical interface is dead straight forward to install just from your browser and basically, VNC and the VNC viewer is just in gosh the speech is running slowly download the VNC viewer and there it is you just downloaded click on its installers and it’s an incredible capability of any of you aren’t familiar with VNC is just astonishing oh you have found a seashell excellent right then to configure VNC sorry I missed the chat at that point I’ll put I’m going to put down the feedbacks any questions please put your hand up again and there’s sometimes I just miss these things to get VNC going we double click on the VNC icon and you get this popping up. 

This is the address of the VNC server a desktop server to which you want to connect and bob has included that in the dock so my one is my IP address colon 2 with the VNC fed clients so we take that and we copy it and we paste it’s usually when the NC is when we connect the wrong machine by mistake we simply copy-paste instead of this one which you’re meant to use martin you accidentally copy that one which gives you some rather order facts just come clean if you do this so IP address and then the display number which displays number two connects and that gives you a warning that we’re not using secure sockets continue and you get a prompt here for a password and that’s the desktop password which is lower case Oracle when in doubt our passwords or lowercase Oracle and that gives us a genome desktop which I’ll stretch out okay I know you mentioned Jenny you’re using AIX is much more of a real Unix than Linux. 

If you’re not familiar with the desktop don’t worry it’s an absolutely ordinary desktop to get a command line a command prompt top probably the easiest ways applications accessories application system tools up there it is terminal and that will give you a command prompt so that was applications system tools terminal or you can simply write to click you can’t see what I’m doing but I’m right-clicking in the background and there’s another little menu return all so whatever graphical interface you normally use under Unix you’ll get used to this one quickly enough and from her thoughts or env well if I want to source that file connect to the class environment sequel + / assist EBA or whatever else I want to do if I want to run the of the graphics things run the ex clock would some work you haven’t got an ex clock fair enough but whatever graphical tool we need we should be launched from here so I would like you all to please to be sure it can connect jenny is that a question yeah I’ll out. 

When I plan with me video and if your timing out that could be a firewall issue I’m going to make sure that I can I’m just going to check and see if I can connect your machine it might be machined the other end it might be a problem with the linux machine so what I’ll do means so you’re one is there let’s see if I can get through to use and X well it works for me oh it works for me so that could well be that an issue that you can’t get out to that port okay and that may or may not be a disaster and it’s going to make doing one of the installations in our next chapter we have to do an installation with the universal installer and if you for that we do need graphics now we can’t do it through the real response file and so on because we want to create a response appears to correct response file you need the graphical interface so if you can possibly perhaps check are you working are you connected to a corporate network at the moment. 

If there’s any way your I will play have a go or if you’ve got some sort of guest Wi-Fi network that you let foreigners you strangers use try that instead yeah and if it really is a problem is no big deal I can always do the install for you and it just means I’m sure you’ve run the installer a million times but it would be nice if you can get that port to remember that isn’t a pause remember it’s not port number two is fine the course is 5902 I’ll show you how we know that from here PS minus EF grep VNC and that doesn’t show it does it but the poor in fact 5902 5902 it’s 50 100 plus the display number at 5902 is the pauper going out till now have a go but try a few of the other things as well because what we want to do is connect your ssh connection to the NC make sure it can log on to the database how to go with database express in our exercise worksheet which I just email to you is that zip file should rename. 

If you look at what’s actually there what we’re suggesting you do is this connection to the classroom environment use VNC we do need graphics to use SSH start things up so source the Ori MV scripts file provide classes the database instance name make sure your listeners running it will be running connect your database to make sure that’s running it will be running here’s the example of configuring HTTP listening port so water configured if anything compares results for the listener try from a browser right and it’s this is just an example hostname port number URL what by suggesting in the what Bob is configured for us he’s given us that’s forgetting to OEM again try it whether that will work with firewall issues we don’t know but for instance, if I try that in my browser on my pc can I get through looks as I can just chrome is going to be taking me through the business of accepting adultery certificate so see even get through from your pc following. 

If you can’t get through from your pc well that’s good it works nicely you can always do it from within the VNC interface here, for example, I can’t firefox to 127 00 or HTTPS fox HTTP s colon slash 137 dot 0 dots 0 dot one port 5500 trash am of course Jenny you won’t be able to do that either right but in principle that’s going to take me through in the same way so have a go at connecting and what we suggested then just take a bit of time getting used to the environments so that’s experimenting see if you can connect chain some ports just a bit of syntax try again so you can get through on that one who knows maybe you can maybe you can’t it depends on firewall issues and so on if you’re interested to take a look at the pornhub run some horrendous statement see what’s going on but the main thrust of this is to see if you can log on to the machines ok then we’ll take us neatly up to see break because our first break is meant to be that’s a half pulse and I make it now twenty past. 

So what I’m going to do is ask her there’s anything you’d like me to talk about now anything to do with enterprise manager anything through with course admin whatever talk to me but otherwise I’m going to put up my timer and I’ve got this little timer somewhere and I never quite sure how the timer displays for you but I’m going to do I’ve started a timer for 30 minutes which is meant to be 10 minutes exercise then 20 minute break can you give me a hand up if you can see the timer you can’t be sure good you can Martin good sometimes if you can’t see it Jenny sometimes the timer hides underneath another window I you can see it’s good good good good ok the idea then is 30 minutes to log on to the machines see if you can get on to Mars manager going have a cup of coffee catch up on your emails Oh what I’ll do is kill the audio so you can get on with things if anything crops up send me a chat message never even put it in the chat as I’ll be in and out of my office you know drop tea break anyway.

 I’m not going miles away so tell me a chatter bumping doesn’t work if there’s anything you’d like to discuss with the general idea is I’m going to get out of your hair for half an hour while you have a go at the exercise get used to the idea where the ports work and navigate around and squash manager if you can actually get there remember if you have trouble running it from your PC just launch Firefox in your VNC interface as I did here or not here that’s somewhere there it is just run it therefrom within you VNC interface what’s not doing confirm the exception and go and from there nor monster within the enterprise man just system Oracle or sis Oracle the cyst dva any standard database log one should do.

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