Throat approach, so first approach is what go to them our program a kind of waits to see Python do so in Python BAC that we output a cage and the blue is what I did it great to put a big plus oh can I come on come to the back you stretch like magnification and 1/3 over the command one has a type of fiber so Python yeah it is also just like a faster project simply have individual control f11 so often what is printed already wouldn’t be quick on the C equal water it must be like so they can move it with me to see that video right that’s it done so this is one money this is a third of those to run the Python product kalin this is just like a first offer jungle this is the third or so and the patient were actually initial classes you can go for these three approaches whether the prosecutor and we are doing the problem placing it as a little command using IDs IDs right obviously I dismiss morning fightin over the different nature of IDs PyCharm ID number of 87 in my system installed by dramedy.
So these PC here by John here so it generates a growing concern you so hi John aasif item ID so the hectic and go to the google just I saw it on a PI charity yes if they convert on google system it is taking time so i hope you guys know forward on the path of my revenge so can all top item ID once you download ready able to get the window like this so once the east on the find him so by jumping back huh simply double-click this one no idea you open here we can type the pipes on I chose John Kasich you the pie chart on board for the genre’s at our first one so download the app I chopped item ideas are what the professional rubber boots look at the gentleman I think I’ll go for the download option once you click the downward here the acting profession will become very right so long goodbye job with an anchor line X everything does now we’re in Windows like simply click on download aperture will be open right that’s it it’s something you can longer for your opens was retried.
This is a free trial you can download here right that’s it once you’re down top item ID so I hid then you will get this one in each term HM hiding then you will get is fine right so once you double click this one so the window will be open right so it opens it keeps their first time when we start this by then it will take some time so slowly you open the beta it rural instead of the fence and in this one if you want the first time you wanna create a new project or the flagman think I’m a new project okay then your project I will create a project here tell me so I am creating new person name is water prosit okay simply create a new project yeah later witnesses would you like to open up would like to open the project in opening new to be that kind of the idea here I want we’ll do it on my present simply new window will be open right so if you want according to the calendar maker you can click on the current window so he’s telling the required files iam if your employees watching this one.
You know how to install I wanna bite much put a small thinker but don’t face the type of video try to do the practical don’t you loser I’m trying to share my knowledge stretch always to type you take a plane and record something okay so if you’re anything like the videos come in the video subscribe the channel I forget the more videos like this tactic Python so both of my turn pilot of Python px is another file type all it creating you I want Python fiber simply Python file so they can go for that faster fire for the fun finding here first is a fireman ring by defined is open work items I want they can with it to bring the data so regulate the comment mode come in here so this is my Python – in my Python – to print the data so on this very dense range to print the data so brace and also magnetism collapses are optional directly can write with and won’t break that’s like that okay so but we increase the font size from small vodka is there.
You have that the control shift T a control shift 8 we get is we go right here you can check it control shift or hearing to increase the font size simply can’t I increase quantum okay we’ll get the video here so time I increase on letters everything responds it just you can interpret that ordinarily graze them so control space enters interpreter how much you want degrees of nachos like that okay control shift ei Phi is open type increase political introvert on gesture they come in profit and then automatically fine sizing visa like that’s vector whatever it might run region should be can go for 5.3 if I turns me to bring the day we have a terrific analysis of all right that’s it, yeah so this is a Python – this is my Python 3 so if you run this application first time you run this for simply right click here and I click here to run fast right controls 50 of them away from hospitality when we run the first here the date is printed I bet than world and water lapping water.
So what few hundred one second here one what means there so here there are previous you run this code what is the lightweight can cram first the second one is gonna go to the run option here one first the throttle is water here on one is there manage them that’s it I said Python is very easy language like if you want a mission a equal that the oil torque a sequel the FSB sequel pod FFP trying to say right that much is equal to go in Python 3 means little appearances in Python to develop an ancestor see this plan small do you know to purpose okay whenever you’re doing practicals some case if I done this take don’t free but here you know the clarity faster in Python know without braces without the emphasis in Python 3 it Paris is required purely season on this quarter you get don’t result of 50 right that’s it oh they give the font size control shift enter button like that I hope this wine is the event you look at all please water for them this is a way how to work we put a patch on my D right.
So I have that sector I shown all approaches which taught how many approaches off generally look for approaches that we should all the process once, of course, we go on what approach number one here local disk C a tanto seven simply it’s exe file then item it will be broken here simply can filter a direct beta is the first approach second operation a second approach you can open the Edit plus beneath window this window so I go to the File menu others here simply can work with the Python to filter data in the talk they can go forgot that movement that’s at that let me say it with a file name I have to say global easy I would like to say this affiliation faster dog fight let me run this order or run this code here Robert is de local is a video in how the pausing option like can repeat the session once again we’ll get the more faculty right that’s it I hope one thing sufficient would be to get the points.
Otherwise, you can download really can very much about things right that’s like that how can report for the command is for Python but a fine idea Prospera highlight the world is printed this is a second way to run the Python okay what isn’t all day young just open a command prompt like come out or simply type the Python then I can window will be open Sam yeah so you have to be the latest we can go put a predator this is just like a stopwatch weapon over right that’s it that he is approached about three a precedent for is water hoping on pycharm I Derek that’s it in Python hid right the border from right-click here run faster otherwise here is patent is there remains you’re on the bottom from faster theorem so these are the different ways to run the paper application side okay thank you next thanks for watching can be suspect for more videos can please like the videos later comment inclusive recorded a fun case thank you.