How can you easily make a bar chart through any data?
make a bar chart through any data Well, I’d like it to be a bar chart. So I’m going to just use the three little dots in the upper right-hand corner. And we want to change our list table to– and we’re going to select bar chart.
So here are those columns, the lattice columns. And I’m not loving that. I’m going to go to the roles. And you can see that continent name– whoops, hit cancel– continent name is in the lattice columns. I’m just going to drag it up to the group role.
So now, this is more of the bar chart I was looking for. So I should see my three different catalogs as my y-axes, the average profit on my x-axes, and then a bar for each continent. And we can see Africa here is the one location that we’re losing money. I’m just going to go give this a name.
make a bar chart through any data options
I’ll go to the options. And then instead of Untitled, Average Profits. And we can also give the object a name.
I’m going to give this a little bit more average. Remember, the name we don’t see. That’s behind the scenes.
I can see it over on the left-hand side. If I select the outline, there’s that name. And I do like to name my things, especially if I’m going to create a PDF. Those names would go out into the PDF.
So our goal in this section was to create new data items. So let’s go back to the Data pane. And we’re now going to do a custom category.
So currently, I have this column named Loyalty Number. And there are two different values. There are zeros and nines. And we want to create a new calculated data item or new custom category so that we see the words yes and no. So let’s go to the new data item at the top of that data pane and select the Custom category. So the first thing you want to do is make sure you name it. I forget this regularly. So we’re going to name this Loyalty Member. And then what do I want it based on? Well, I don’t want to based on the city name. You can see all of those cities. I’m going to drop down and locate the loyalty number. So I’m going to only have two values here– the zeros and the nines. If they are not part of the membership, it will be the zeros. And I want the word no.
I’m going to type in the value label No. And then I’m going to drag over the data value that matches. And then down here at the bottom, click or drag here to add a value group. So we also want to do the 99s. So I’m going to drag those over and release them on top of that information. And now, I’m going to rename value group one to say Yes. So one more thing that we should point out is if you see these remaining value options at the bottom. So if we got something else in,
do we want it to show up as it is?
So if there was a typo, and somebody typed in three nines, or they got an eight in there, do we want it to show as is? Do we want it to show is missing? We’ve decided to group it into another. So I’m going to leave this set. Other’s good. And over in the far right-hand corner, I will select OK.
Now, in my data pane, I have this new data item. And its two distinct values. And you can see the icon looks a little different. So this is the icon that’s used for creating a calculated character or categorical data.
To create make a bar chart through any data I want to go ahead and duplicate this bar chart, my Average Profits bar chart. I’m going to select the three little dots in the upper right-hand corner. And I’m just going to select Duplicate. So now, I have two. And I’m going to stack them. So I’m going to select the move icon and just drag it down so that it kind of splits the space so they’re stacked. And now, I want to change the roles. So let’s select the Roles icon on the right-hand side. Instead of Order Type, we’re going to look at the loyalty membership. We still want to look at average profit.
Instead of looking at them based on the continent, we’re going to go ahead and look at them based on their customer type. So I’m going to replace the continent name with the customer type name.
So here are all of my loyalty members, yes and no, and then the different memberships. I think I might switch these. Let’s see what happens. See if we like this better. I think I do. I think I like the customer type name and then the loyalty. So each customer type name will have two bars. I do find this a little challenging to read because a lot of the bars are very close to each other. So I find myself kind of tilting my head. Let’s go change the direction of this. So we’ll go to the Options icon. And then I’m going to scroll down into the bar section. And the first thing is Direction.
Let’s change that to a vertical. And now, I think this is much easier to see. There’s a little bit of a difference. The Orion Club member’s low activity and the Orion Club gold members medium activity have fewer members than the others. The rest of them, the blue’s higher? Let’s see here. Just barely higher. Remember, if I wanted to look at that data in a data grid, I could expand, so maximize that object, and then we could sort it if we wanted to. And then if we want to go back to the original size, you need to restore it. Let’s also give this a name. I’m going to go up to the top. And I’m going to name this because it’s not Average Profits by Order Type anymore. It is Average Profits by Loyal Team Membership and Customer Type. In continuing to create new data items, let’s take a look at creating a new geographic data item. So we’ll go to the data icon.
We’re going to convert the state name to a geography data item. One thing I’d like to point out is the number of distinct values for the state name. Currently, there are 272 distinct or different state names. When I hover, it tells me that the name in the data source states underscore province. So remember that we are actually working with global data, data from all around the world. We want to create just US state names. So let’s go ahead and do this. We’re going to change it from state name. Actually, let me undo it. Up in the upper right-hand corner is our undo. Sorry. Let me go back. Let’s change the classification first. So from Category, I’m going to select Geography. Now, I’m going to name it US State Names.
Then currently, only 1% of the data is being mapped. And that’s because it’s trying to map is based on the country or region names. And that’s not what we’re looking at. So let’s drop down on the last option and change this to US state names. So my new column is going to be US state names. Let me add my S there. I’m using the built-in lookups. So we’ve got a handful of different types that come with. These are all of the different geographic lookups that are available. We want to match it to state names. It tells me that 19% of the data got mapped. Now, when I scroll down, it starts to show me those values. And clearly, what I’m seeing is non-US data.
I’m going to come back and fix that later. But I’m OK with this at this point. I’m OK with the 19%. So I will select OK. So now, it tells me there are 272. But if I tried to use it, I would get the little i, the information that tells me 220 was not mapped. We’re going to do the same thing with the postal code. So let’s drop-down, change the classification to Geography. Call this US Postal Code. Nothing’s mapped. Because again, it defaults to the first option, which is country or region names.
very nice