Dr.Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji ambedkar
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Dr.br ambedkar is a constitution writer of india
A bachelor’s degree from Mumbai University, One of the world’s top universities Columbia, University MA and Ph.D. A DSC and MSC from the London School of Economics, And a Barrister in Law from Gray’s Inn
Who can be so intelligent, resourceful, and dynamic If I ask you to make an assumption and give you no information So you might say the person might be the son of a millionaire.
But friends he is someone who had zero privilege in his life. And believe me, if you finish the entire Article. After that Either you’ll stop making excuses in life Or you’re someone who doesn’t get offended and has a thick skin. That no situation Can shake you. Today I am proudly talking about
India’s first Law and Justice Minister. Architect of. Indian Constitution Shri Babasaheb Ambedkar. Mr. Ambedkar, I regret
The amount of respect Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru & Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Received Ambedkar should receive the same amount Same place in the curriculum and India’s psyche
Why did Dr.br ambedkar have to go to school with a rag?
Dr.br ambedkar was very young when his mom passed away, He used to live with his aunt.The school he went to He used to sit with his brother at the last seat In a corner and on his rag
He had to take his rag on his shoulder after school Because even the peon of the school Didn’t touch the rag.
What was the reason?
The reason was Ambedkar’s caste which was referred to as the “untouchables”People who get tensed by small problems don’t know the meaning of struggle
Why did Dr.br ambedkar stay thirsty in school?
He had to stay thirsty in school all day. Why?
Because he was not allowed to touch the water tap. Because the tap will become impure He had to drink water on his knees keeping his hand in front of his mouth. And the peon used to pour water from the far If he touched the utensil, the utensil will become impure
Why did Ambedkar think about stealing?
When he was a kid, Babasaheb got so distracted that he will go to Bombay and work in some mill.And a lot of people were going with him. Some people were already working there. For travel
He decided to steal money from his aunty After multiple times to get money He finally got her purse, But only found half aana in it
That half aana was not enough to buy a ticket.Which distracted Ambedkar. He realized his real state and that day Ambedkar decided that the only way this country can be changed is through studying. And that will change his family condition And that he decided to Stop running And stop being a slave. If he would have become a slave
Who would have written the simple and unique constitution of the country. We all have made mistakes in life But have Corrected it?
Sometimes if you would have felt defeated and wanted to leave everything and run.But I feel this is a test that god takes And whoever passes this test Gets chosen for big things It was raining heavily And there were strong winds and storm.
Dr.br ambedkar was standing in front of a house to save himself. The woman of the house saw him and pushed him into the mud All of his books were covered in mud And got spoiled.
The reason was That woman said angrily why are you touching the walls of my house My entire house is impure now
What is a struggle?
Nowadays we get sensitive over small things. I remember whenever I used to travel abroad To conduct lectures or just travel. Some places I get treated as a second citizen. Oh, bloody Indians!
It’s so frustrating that sometimes it feels right to shoot them So frustrating and I am talking about myself. And we’re in this situation only once or twice a year Just think this happens every day to lakhs and crores of people And for many years. Imagine the anger that exists within them
Today’s case study is not based on the upper and lower caste.Today’s case study is on Ambedkar’s struggle And even if we learn one percent of his strugglesIt’ll change our life.
Why was Ambedkar not allowed to learn Sanskrit?
He wanted to learn Sanskrit in school. But permission Was not given because the caste he belonged to was not allowed
To learn Sanskrit and he wasn’t even allowed to learn the Vedas. Even the foreigners were Even people from the other religion were allowed to read which wasn’t ironic to them.
But Ambedkar was not allowed, what was his fault?
He eventually became a master in Sanskrit and gained knowledge of the Vedas. Friends After spending a childhood Like this, a person should die We get troubled by small issues Our parents don’t support us, our village is small
We didn’t get a fair chance, parents don’t interfere.Some people complain about the size of their phone And compare different models of their laptops And two-wheelers. People cry about small things but Don’t know the real meaning of struggle.
After facing so many obstacles any person can break And any kind of talent will finish But Bhimrao Ambedkar became the first person from his caste to complete College education. And friends in 1913
Dr.br ambedkar -tu |
What was his age?
Only 22.
How many scholarships did he get?
Only 11.5 pounds.
Who gave it?
Baroda State Assembly And the king of Baroda after which he went abroad. Topped his class and came back with a degree. And when he came back what did the king do?
He made him a member of the Baroda State Assembly Let me tell you another revolutionary thing about him. Because a lot of people were restless
That we will not sit with him, he’s an untouchable What rule did he make? He made a rule that all people Who are ready to sit with people of the scheduled community, only
Those people can fight the elections. Praise and salute the king who Who kept such progressive thought at that time Even after four super degrees, he couldn’t rent a house.
Table of contents:-
After getting so many degrees made Dr.br ambedkar life easy?
It actually should but friends even after getting so Many degrees an intelligent person had to change his caste To stay in a Parsi Sarai.
Reason: Not even a single hotel Sarai, the lodge didn’t allow him to stay No one was willing to let him stay in their house After a lot of trouble, a room was found and the room was beautiful Broken bench Broken chairs, spiderwebs everywhere, insects, torn mattresses.
A light was also not there even an oil lamp was absent But at that time he felt that the house is heaven And he said “At that time I prized my life more Than my life.
What do you know about struggle?
Today a small Doctor or Engineer The lawyer comes into the house. Or someone clears IIM or IIT We reach the seventh sky but someone who has multiple international Degrees was thrown out of that Sarai Because people got to know That he was not a Parsi.
People gathered with stickers and started abusing him.
How dare you keep a Parsi name scoundrel?
Abused him a lot a gave him the warning to leave in the evening And what happened after the evening? He had to leave in that weather and stay in Kamathi Baug.
What do you know about the struggle and what did Ambedkar say?
When I stayed in America and Europe I forgot what untouchables Means My degrees were trash My education is trash. The only thing that matters Is the caste I belong to. Friends, the struggle was like his shadow, it always used to walk with him. Got married at a young age had kids, he had to look out for his family instead of Himself.
Every day he used to think What to do? And Where to arrange money from?
He tried everything: became a tutor, accountant, started a new investment business But when the client got to know That he is an untouchable that business shut down. Finally in 1918 Babasaheb thought life will finally get
Reason: In Mumbai The famous Sydenham College offered him the job of a professor People who can’t read and have zero common sense. I have no regret Saying these words that degrees are just pieces of paper, they Don’t bring wisdom and maturity. The senseless professors there Refused to share a jug of water with him Refused to share the common water source And friends the lava of anger inside Ambedkar erupted And he finally decided to explore the legal profession.
Mahad Satyagraha: Ambedkar becomes the advocate of Dalits Friends, the importance Dandi March has in Mahatma Gandhi’s life.
The same Importance Mahad Satyagraha has in Baba Saheb’s life Let’s analyze the story deeply. In 1923 Mumbai Legislative Council presented a bill. The bill said That any untouchable or Dalit can drink water from a source That is publically funded. Be that a well Tap or any other arrangements. In 1924 Mahar Municipality Council accepted this bill but did they accept the truth? No, and it was only accepted on paper.
On 28 March a major thing Happened After which Babasaheb became the messiah of the Dalits. There was a tank named Chavdar Tank and whoever from the depressed section Used to drink water from there was beaten up Along with 2500 people depressed class, Babasaheb went out to make history After reaching the tank both of them Drank water from there and thought they have done a big thing But when the upper class got to know, there was chaos everywhere Within two hours there were thousands of people there and a lot of them were beaten up A lot of people were injured.
After that what happened? Prayer for purity happened in front of that tank like who touched the tank. It Was so disgusting and bad for Babasaheb that That day he decided to take action about changing the system. For One second close your eyes with me and imagine that you drank Water from someplace And because of that you and your family were beaten up And you are kicked out of your village. This used to happen in our country.
How was the relationship between Gandhi and Ambedkar?
Gandhi and Ambedkar’s Relationship has generated a lot of misconceptions among people Many believed they were against each other And didn’t get along well. But that was Not the case. Both of them were people with independent thought. Where their Ideas didn’t match, they used to argue Where they matched both of them Used to get along well. I’ll tell you a story about both. In 1932 the British Government decided to make separate Electorates for depressed classes. Listen carefully it’s a landmark incident After that Ambedkar was very happy because his long yearned wish came true, but on the other hand Gandhi didn’t like this decision. He thought it will bring a division among Hindus From Yerwada Central Jail he started a protest. Pressure On Ambedkar started increasing.
After many days of increasing
tension, Ambedkar went to meet Gandhi When they started talking then Babasaheb said That to be a member of the Congress it is not necessary to wear Khadi But it should be necessary That a person who does not believe in untouchability becomes a member. Ambedkar Engages that kind of conversation with Gandhi which can be interpreted Wrongly.
He says Gandhi I don’t have a motherland. To which he Replies that Dr. Ambedkar the entire nation is your motherland Ambedkar says how can I call this nation my motherland where Every day we are treated like animals.
And friends Ambedkar had to bow down Why? Because Gandhi was not ready to stop the satyagraha. He bowed Because if something would have happened to Gandhi, Chaos would have spread in the country. There would have been riots and people might have died. Even he didn’t want to lose Gandhi After all, this kind of personality is born once in every generation And finally, both of them came to an understanding And 147 which is more than double the seats discussed before were reserved for the Depressed class.
That day history was made. Why? Because depressed Class became a strong political force. One more thing happened Congress And the entire country had to start thinking about Dalits And how to uplift them. And the most important Point was that day Ambedkar became the undisputed Leader of the Dalits and the depressed class.
Is the Indian constitution really the biggest constitution in the world?
Whoever thought that Ambedkar and Gandhi were enemies Listen to this story. Friends, it was the time to create India’s Constitution. Nehru and Sardar Vallabhai Patel Decided to call the biggest constitution experts in the world. And one day Mahatma Gandhi says to Jawaharlal Nehru And Patel when a big legal expert And intelligent person is there in our country Then what is the need for calling From outside when we have Ambedkar who Will right the constitution of our country and will be a moment of Pride And Ambedkar was appointed as the Chairman of the Constitutional Committee.
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Constitution Ready:-
Under Dr. Ambedkar’s supervision after 3 years of hard work.
The worlds listen to me carefully The world’s largest Constitution was written with 448 articles 12 schedules 616 signatures and God knows after how many Assembly sessions we got the constitutions in our hand Which makes us super
powerful Gives us rights today and what all rights? Right freedom of speech freedom of religion And one big thing which is the Right to Vote. This was a progressive constitution Reason: At that time a lot of countries did not allow females to vote And looking at India a lot of countries Made constitutional changes and that’s why Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar is known as the Father of Indian Constitution In 1942
Babasaheb was made a member in the Viceroy’s Council. And the number of laborers in the country I’m saying You all should salute in Ambedkar’s name Because he reduced the usual 14 or 15 hours of work To the legally allowed 8 hours of work.
If you’re getting the
Dearness Allowance today Its because Babasaheb. If today you’re taking the Employee State Insurance its because of Babasaheb If you’re getting training or learning allowance it’s because of Babasaheb.
Why did he make Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha?
He knew that if we want to uplift the depressed class In the long term, it won’t happen with reservation. For that he made The Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha. The mission of this sabha Was to promote education and give them Opportunities to study so that they can be Educated, aware, and can make their own place.
He didn’t use weapons to prevent the voice of the depressed class to die He used the newspaper And one by one released a lot of articles Because he wanted to attack the heart and mind And wanted to change the thinking of people.
I, Ujjwal Patni am a supporter of reservations. But if you Ask me today, I’m not. People of any caste, creed, religion, language Should get the right of education from the government. They should give them Enough facilities in primary, middle, and high schools that they Clear competitive exams in terms of their merit and after That they should reach higher places and then they’ll be proud of Themselves.
But the question is was it needed at that time, now that I am recording this case study I’m going through the incidents, and I’m feeling Them I can feel the struggle at this moment and I think it was needed at that time. And today I want to say it to you too Come out of your caste, creed, color Language and imagine the situation.
Because Babasaheb used to say that the problem negros were facing in South Africa The same problem is being faced by my people World’s biggest religion changing event Babasaheb realized that the problem of untouchability And higher and lower is not over and that it’s stuck deep.
One day he
Decided that he will change his religion. When people got to know There was unrest, everyone tried to convince him even big Politicians and parties but Babasaheb stood his ground People from different religions came to visit him and said Come with us we’ll do this. Join our religion we’ll do this We’ll give you equal authority. Babasaheb was very educated about religion He asked different questions which made everyone leave But Babasaheb had different things in mind. Since he was a child He was inspired by Gautam Budh and his literature. He knew This is the most reasonable religion which Had the most equality and peace. At last, he took the decision to convert to Buddhism.
On 14 October 1956 lakhs of people started going to Nagpur by foot, cycle, bullock carts and Cars to witness history Around 5 lakh people along with Babasaheb Converted to Buddhism The entire world witnessed and watched with their hearts held.
After six weeks of this incident this great person Passed away. But people like him don’t die, they are immortal and no one can end them And their thinking. That’s why another thinker who is a revolutionary In his place: Osho, what he says about Babasaheb 5000 years listen carefully, no one intelligent like Babasaheb has taken birth in India for 5000 years This was Osho’s advice.
In 1990 Dr.br ambedkar got Bharat Ratna award
Friends After Reading this case study on Babasaheb I surely believe you think your struggles are small You might start thinking that there is no problem in your life And if this case study didn’t have an effect On you then nothing can do anything to you And today I want to say this to all my friends Even if there is one percent of caste, creed, color, or language here burn it Take it out and throw it and only one word should stay One word Indian, Indian and Indian.
Questions :-
1. Why is Ambedkar so famous?
Ambedkar is a constitution writer of india. And he came from poor family and also he fight for caste and religion equalities
2.what was ambedkar religion?
3.Is ambedkar is a Buddha?
Ambedkar converted Hinduism to Buddhism
4.How much scolership get while ambedkar studying on abroad?
5. When was ambedkar born?
14 apri 1891
6.when Was ambedkar ded?
6 december 1956
7.Who is father of Indian constitution?
Dr br Ambedkar
8.Dr BR Ambedkar family details?
Father name:- Ramji maloji sampal
Mother name:- Bhimbai sakpal
Brothers name :- Balaram aanandarao
Sisters names:- manjula,tulasi,Gangabai,Ramabai
1st wife name:-Ramabai ambedkar
2nd wife name:- Savita ambedkar
Ambedkar sons names :- Rajratna ambedkar, Yashwanth ambedkar
Daughter name:- indu
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