Rakesh jhunjhunwala death and his life story


Rakesh jhunjhunwala death and his life story
Rakesh jhunjhunwala death and his life story
Rakesh jhunjhunwala dead on 14th August. He great invester and business man and also one of the richest man in india.We miss you Rakesh jhunjhunwala

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala biography :-

Mr Rakesh Jhunjhunwala  is additionally  known as India Warren Buffett he was born on 5th July 1960 in Mumbai india, where his father worked as an  incometax  Officer on Indian government.  From his childhood only, Rakesh was most  curious about  the stock market.

Rakesh jhunjhunwala death and his life story

When Rakesh father and his friends  wont to  meet and discuss the stock market, then out of curiosity Rakesh  wont to  ask him soo many questions related to it, and at  that point  he was only 11-12 years old.

Rakesh jhunjhunwala  at some point  aksed a question to her father why there are fluctuations in the stock market. Her father answered full details about  stock exchange  fluctuations.

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala graduated from Sydenham College in Mumbai.  In 1985 after completing his CA in Sydenham college he told his father that he wants to pursue a career  within the  stock market field.  With this, his father told him  some  things which helped him in his career a lot.

He told Rakesh that ‘Do what you enjoy’  which  ‘Don’t go to any of my friends and don’t ask me for money’ and lastly he said ‘Be fearless’, and encouraged him to Star a carrier.

That time Rakesh jhunjhunwala had only 5000rs Indian currency with himself, his brother was a CA. her brother lady client who had good capital and wanted high returns.That time from bank deposits only gave 10% returns.  Rakesh jhunjhunwala told that lady that he will give her 18% returns  once a year ,  thanks to  which that lady gave her 2,50,000rs Indian currency.

Apart from that lady, he also got Rs.5,00,000 from someone, and  together with his , he got his initial capital.In the initiation of his career, he started doing trading and earned 8-10 lakhs profit.  But  the subsequent  2-3 years were quite tough for him.


Rakesh jhunjhunwala carrier fallback:-

Then in 1988, he sold 2,50,000 lakhs Sesa Goa shares which he bought for Rs.28 and he sold 2,50,000 lakh shares at Rs.  35. After 6 months Sesa Goa shares increased to Rs.  65

Mr Madhu Dhanwati was  minister of finance  and his 1989 union budget became a career turning point for Mr Rakesh Jhunjhunwala.

From small investors to big market players, everyone thought that Mr Dhanwati’s union budget will focus more on social things than business.

Everyone had this fear.  Mr V.P Singh was a Thakur and he knew about business efficiently, so Rakesh knew that he won’t  usher in  a budget which would hurt the business.And, thus on the day of the budget,  the identical  thing happened which Rakesh thought off.


Rakesh jhunjhunwala gaining profits:-

Mr Madhu Dhanwati presented  a really  good budget which was very supportive of the business.  Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s net worth before Mr Madhu Dhanwati budget was Rs.  2 crores which increased to 40-50 crores after this budget in 5 months.

Then he started Rare Enterprises, which is an Asset Management Firm from where he manages his own portfolio.  the primary  two letters of Rare (RA) is taken from Rakesh Jhunjhunwala‘s name and RE is taken from his wife Rekha’s name.

In 2002-03, he bought Titan Company shares, which  may be a  jewelry brand at Rs.  4.5 per share average price.Titan stock went up to Rs.  80 and got  right down to  Rs.  30. When this stock went  right down to  Rs.  30 then Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s portfolio value decreased to 300 crore.

but he  didn’t  sell his share when the price was Rs.  30, because he felt that titan company will grow more.  And, today its share price is around Rs.  400. This states that an investor should have patience, and thus,  this instance  tells us that only.

Not only Titan  except for  many investment Rakesh has shown patience.  In 2005, he sold his Crisil shares of 27 crores and got an apartment at Malva, Mumbai.

Later he sold this apartment at  an honest  price.  Rakesh says that  the worth  of that flat today would have been 80-90 crore, but if  that point  he hadn’t sold his crisil shares for 27 crores then today its value would have around 700-800 crores.

But Rakesh never regrets his mistakes instead he learns from those mistakes.  He believes that one main criterion  to find out  investing is, experience and this comes from mistakes.

According to him, the market is supreme,  it’s  never right nor wrong.  Right or wrong  is that the  person, so if  you create  mistake, then accept it, learn from it and move ahead.

If you never accept your mistake, then you’ll never learn.

Mr Rakesh Jhunjhunwala  is understood  for his long term bets, but  he’s  an active trader too.  He started his career through trading only through which he made his capital base strong.

According to him, trading always keeps him alert.  In his career, he may found Multibagger stocks like CRISIL, Praj Industries, LUPIN, Titan etc.

These stocks gave him amazing returns to Rakesh. He always believed in India’s growth story.  He never gets emotionally attached to any stock.

Her carrier in movies field:-

Rakesh jhunjhunwala also a movie producer, he has produced English Vinglish, Shamitabh, Ki and Ka movies.

He is the board of directors of many companies today.  he’s  also known as Indian Warren Buffett, and  he’s  the most prominent stock market investor in India.

As per Forbes 2017,  he’s  India’s 53rd Richest Person.  His net worth is 2.2 billion dollars (15,000 crores)


On his 60th birthday (5th July 2020) he decided to donate 25% of his entire wealth.


Rakesh jhunjhunwala is a

  • Stock market trader
  • Movie produce
  • Hangama chairma
  • Airline owner
  • One of the richest man in india

Rakesh jhunjhunwala death:-

Rakesh jhunjhunwala death and his life story


Rakesh jhunjhunwala is investor who was known as the big bull of the lal street is no more.

he’s died at the age of 62 this 14 August 2020 morning in hospital.due to cardiac arrest. He was known to be unwell for some time.

He had a kidney problem and other decises on 14th morning he got a heart attack. When family members joining him haspatal doctors confirm that Rakesh jhunjhunwala is no more.

He was both a trader as well as a chartered accountant one of the richest men in the country and he was also launching a new airline akasa which the aviation world was watching with fingers crossed so very shocking news he was known to be unwell uh but no one realized how unwell

he really was he was on a wheelchair when he had met the prime minister last andthere you can see that meeting with the prime minister

rakesh jujunwala he was also the chairman of hungama media and aptec hewas the director of viceroy hotelsconcord biotech and several outfits welllet’s go across to saurabh gupta for more

Rakesh jhunjhunwala is great invester and business man and also one of the richest man in india.

We miss you Rakesh jhunjhunwala every put comments



1.When Rakesh jhunjhunwala death?

14th August 2022

2.Rakesh jhunjhunwala qualification?

Bcom degree

3.Who is the father of india stock market?

Rakesh jhunjhunwala

4.how rakesh jhunjhunwala died?

Hart attack

5.How Jhunjhunwala Dies?

Cardiac arrest

6.Rakesh Jhunjhunwala net worth

41,000 core rupees

7.is jhunjhunwala dead?

Yes he dead on 14th April 2022 Due to heartattack

8.reason behind jhunjhunwala death?

Hart attack and some health issues

9.When will Rakesh Jhunjhunwala launch his airlines?

7th August 2022

10.What good work Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has done for society?

On his 60th birthday (5th July 2020) he decided to donate 25% of his entire wealth

11.What is the short name Rakesh Jhunjhunwala airline?

Aakasa air on 7th August 2022

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