Do you want to convert terabox links to pdisk links?
If yes this article is helpful to convert your terabox links to pdisk very easily.
What is terabox :-
Terabox is cloud hosting platform you can upload videos and earn money like YouTube. But if you want to see the video you must need terabox app and also you must need to do signup on that app then you can able to see the videos.
Terabox cpm 1.2$ means if you get 1,000 views then you can earn 1.2$ But there is 3 days delay to update amount on your account balance. You can see daily statistics on terabox telegram bot.
Terabox payment timings:-
Minimum withdraw of terabox is 20$. If you can achieve 20$ on your wallet then you can eligible for withdraw through your bank account. You can get that withdraw amount within 24hr only.
About terabox link convertor bot:-
Yes Terabox Having Link convertor bot but it not working when you send 20 or more links
Pros and Cons of Tera box :-
1.High cpm
2.User friendly with low adds
3.Fast Payments
1.User must be login on Tera Box app
2.Delay on updating balance amount
3.Bot not suitable for bulk link converting
4.Customer support
About Pdisk:-
Pdisk .pro is a cloud storaging platform you can upload videos and earn money like YouTube. But if you want to see the video you must need Playinn app.
Pdisk is now giving fixed cpm 0.9$ and views counting also very good. When users play or download on app then views counts on pdisk. minimum withdraw in pdisk is just 5$. if achive 5$ in your account then you can able to apply for withdraw through bank account,paypal,paytm. you can get your withdraw amount within 7days.
Is pdisk having link convertor bot?
Yes pdisk having link convertor bot you can upload files also throught this bot.
How many ways i can upload videos on pdisk?
In 4 ways you can upload videos on pdisk:-
1.Direct file upload on pdisk .pro website
2.Url upload
3.Torrent upload
4.Direct video or file upload on telegram through theire telegram bot
How to convert Terabox links to Pdisk links:-
If you want to Convert your Tearabox links to Pdisk follow these steps
You must and need pdisk account to convert Terabox link to Pdisk. If you don’t have a account on Pdisk CLICK HERE To Register
How to register watch here:-
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